Want to immediately open a new task you create from the 'New task' (c) modal? We've added the option to "Create and open" (cmd+enter), in addition to "Create" without opening (cmd+shift+enter).
More visible @mentions for users [improved]
User @mentions are more prominent and feature users' avatars. @mentions for yourself are also highlighted to make them easier to notice.
Shareable URLs for filtered searches [new]
Share the results from "Filter all tasks" with a coworker without having to create a new smartlist with our new shareable links.
Improvements & bug fixes
Fixed the scroll position in the task activity history after you post a message.
Added support for cmd+click to open a task in a new tab.
Added the name of the task to Chrome notifications.
Added the day of the week in task activity history dates.
Disabled ctrl+p and ctrl+n while editing an input.
Updated comment numbers to not include description edits in their count.
shift+tab now works when editing a task name to make it into a subtask.
Fixed the task context menu width on Windows.
Fixed an issue that caused a "1 new message" button to show up in task previews and not go away.
Fixed an issue where selecting a tag to filter by updates the results of tasks shown, but doesn't show in the filter bar.
Fixed the order of option settings.
Added a demo video to show some of Height's key features to the sidebar.
Fixed a bug that caused parent tasks to sometimes show up in the "None" section when using Sections.
Fixed an issue where when you unlinked a task from a pull/merge request, the Height bot pull request comment wasn't updating to reflect this change.
Fixed a bug where creating multiple option type attributes with enter doesn't work.
Fixed an issue where "Description" and "Messages" in task previews would sometimes overlap.
Fixed a bug where you couldn't use cmd+ito self-assign when in a task preview.
Fixed a bug where you couldn't scroll to the bottom of long descriptions in edit mode.
esc now closes task previews.
Added support for styling within parentheses.
Fixed an issue where opening a task didn't scroll to the correct spot.
Fixed an issue where the 'Save' button for descriptions was hidden in small windows.
Added a missing comma in task activity history logs for cases where there were multiple linked tasks types being changed.
Fixed how attributes with long names show up in the task attribute section.
Added a space after you complete an @mention or emoji auto-suggestion.
Fixed task descriptions for recurring tasks.
Improved search results to not show the same task multiple times.
Added support for searching for names with spaces in @mentions.
Fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to create a new form with a custom attribute.